University of California, Los Angeles
Masters of Applied Statistics and Data Science (2024-2026)
Course Schedule for UCLA
Intro to Probability Models
Introduction to probability theory, probability models, and stochastic processes, with emphasis on concepts, intuitions, calculations, and real applications
Survey of Methods in Modern Statistics
Overview of fundamental concepts of data analysis and statistical inference and how these are applied in wide variety of settings. Arc of statistical investigation, including data collection, data exploration, formal inference, and model checking
Applied Regression
Introduction to state-of-art applications of linear model for understanding systems and predicting outcomes. Topics include review of statistical inference, properties of least-squares estimates, interpreting linear model, prediction and confidence intervals, model building, diagnostics, and bootstrapping
Mathematical Statistics
Mathematics used to prove various statistical theories, with emphasis on real-world applications. Estimation and statistical inference. Random variables and their distributions; random vectors, their means, variances, variance covariance matrix; and important limit theorems such as central limit theorem
Statistical Computing and Programming
Fundamentals of statistical programming using R, C, and C++. Statistical applications involve linear and nonlinear regression, shrinkage methods, density estimation, numerical optimization, maximum likelihood estimation, classification, and resampling. Graphics and real examples used to illustrate techniques. Analyses of both real and simulated data.
Data Management
Introduction to and use of variety of software and languages, such as Python, SQL, Stata, SAS, R. Basic principles of data management, including reading and writing various forms of data, working with databases, data cleaning, validation, transformation, exploratory data analysis, and introductory data visualization and data mining techniques. Exploration of related issues of data security, ethics, and scalability
Advanced Statistical Communication
Designed to improve verbal and written communication skills related to various ways in which statistics in used in workplace
Machine Learning
Introduction to machine learning and data mining methods. To gain in-depth understanding of these methods, implementation of them in R, Python, and C++